Mayfair Place Marketing



We create consistent ultra-specific content about your business that is distributed to hundreds of websites and platforms in 6 different media formats: news articles, blog posts, audio ads, slideshow presentations, videos and infographics. This content attracts hyper-targeted traffic to your business by building authority and online exposure.

Absolutely – our partner company wouldn’t be an 8 figure company with 12,321+ customers if it didn’t!

You’ll see results within 24-48 hours of your campaign going live – but to get to brand domination requires consistent campaigns stacked up over time.

It will work slightly differently for businesses in different industries, but yes! You can promote almost any brand/product/service with this solution.

Our current turnaround time is (on average) 5-7 days, but we can always fast track campaigns for no extra cost and have them back for you to preview within 72 hours

We do not sell single campaigns. The reality is, like any effective content marketing strategy, it requires consistent content to be successful. We want to ensure every Mayfair Place customer is setup for success from day 1.

Yes – you have complete control over which brands/business you promote.

We do not support distribution to specific sites – this is out of our control due to the various syndication services we work with, and is normal for other similar distribution companies (even if they promise focusing on a specific location). Each campaign is a little different and the exact number of sites varies, and isn’t particularly important. It’s typically the top 20 sites that provide 80% of the benefit.

For more Information

For additional details and further information, please refer to the following  links.

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